Home HEALTH BENIN: Health Sector Notice of Strike.

BENIN: Health Sector Notice of Strike.


On 30 and 31 August 2017, the health sector in Benin will be paralyzed. The medical corps gathered in his collective decided to go on strike.

The decision was taken on 22 August during a sit-in at the Ministry of Health, headed by Adolf Houssou, coordinator of the Intersyndicale of Health Human Resources.

The government’s action, which did not involve the real actors of the sector in the establishment of the technical commission responsible for reforms in the field of health, was at issue.

The collective requires their integration into the said commission. It proposes a committee that will bring together the representatives of social actors and the various medical bodies. Their aim was to study in depth the report of the Reform Commission and make subsequent proposals.

The technical commission has already finished its reflections and has also tabled its report a few days ago.

It was set up in August 2016 by the government of Patrice Talon.


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