
SENEGAL: “Virtual Escape”, a novel about the condition of African women.

“Virtual Evasion’ is the story of Fanny, an African woman who dares to take control of her destiny and reinvent herself. African women with crossed destinies take charge and make courageous decisions. Thus, Fanny will question his life after a virtual reunion with a lover of the past. This meeting will transform her and bring back her broken hopes and her forgotten dreams.

Beyond the love story is played in parallel a story of a woman living in the shadow of her husband subjected to the cardinal values ​​of marriage in Africa: suffering in silence. Topics such as the social constraints imposed on women, infertility, friendship, adultery, divorce are mentioned in watermark in the novel plot. The author portrays contemporary and affluent African society with its secrets and its flaws. It takes us to the heart of many cultures without traditional clichés. Virtual Escape will take you from Gabon to Senegal and from Congo to South Africa. During the novel the main character matures as a woman and dares to take her destiny in hand to build the life she has always dreamed of in an Africa where divorced women are often stigmatized. In her career, she bravely embarks on entrepreneurship and dares to become herself. Virtual escape is the initiatory journey of a woman who finds her way through tortuous paths. Many winks are made to the creativity of the continent: fashion, art and crafts set the scene of a rich and colorful multiple Africa.

The author, Nabou FALL, is a Business Leader and her passion for writing and the cause of women led her to start a blog and then launched a Naboulove magazine for women. She writes for many magazines on the touching topics of African women in today’s society. Virtual Escape is his first novel



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