Home BUSINESS SENEGAL – La Poste innovates with a virtual fair 3.0 called PosteMarket

SENEGAL – La Poste innovates with a virtual fair 3.0 called PosteMarket

@La poste.sn

The La Poste group intends to enter a new era with a major innovation. In a press release released on Saturday, August 28, 2021, the operator of the postal service will launch a virtual fair with the objective: to give the opportunity to 1,000 exhibitors to have a virtual market of nearly 150,000 customers.The application will be available on the PosteMarket.com platform. Entrepreneurs will be able to take advantage of this opportunity, especially in this time of pandemic when gatherings are less desirable. Full text of the La Poste Group press release.

La Poste Group, in collaboration with the ARTP, is pleased to announce the organization of the 1st edition of the PosteMarket 3.0 Fair, a 100% online community fair that will take place from October 05 to November 05, 2021 on the postemarket.co.

The PosteMarket 3.0 fair is a new innovation that offers greater visibility to exhibitors and allows regular visitors to meet their favourite exhibitors and merchants.
A digital platform, available 24/7, brings exhibitors and visitors in a few clicks, in strict compliance with the barrier measures.

More than 10,000 exhibitors and 150,000 visitors are expected over a thirty (30) day period to reconnect with their shopping and consumption habits. You are exhibitors, come and integrate this 2.0 showcase available to you to showcase your products and services, expand your market, boost your sales and increase your opportunities for contacts and exchanges.

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Exchange panels on current topics, B2B meetings, economic days, demonstration sessions and/or presentations of products and services will also be on the agenda. A festive and original program awaits you to punctuate your afternoons and your weekends and make this event the most beautiful event of the year. Cultural and recreational activities such as concerts will be provided by renowned artists to guarantee a warmth and a new atmosphere for visitors and the public. 

A communication and promotion system is open to sponsors and advertisers before, during and after the fair to increase their visibility and boost their sales of products and services. For more information, please contact the sales department at
33 864 42 51/33839 34 34 or 78 187 49 11 .



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