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BURKINA FASO: Clandestine immigration in Europe: a project against common misconceptions is launched.


The National Youth Council of Burkina Faso (CNJ-BF) and its partners launched, on 29 August 2017 in Ouagadougou, the project “Lost dreams-verlorene träume – lost dreams “.

The project, launched during a press conference, includes a campaign against irregular migration and another on Facebook called “No more death”.

As part of the project, the CNJ-BF is supported by the Network of African Africans (TANG) and the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In his introductory remarks, CNJ-BF President Mamoudou Ouédraogo was delighted to have found an attentive ear on the side of Germany to set up the project although Burkina Faso was not a big one so far Provider of illegal migrants in Europe. Awareness-raising will be conducted for legal migration within the framework of the project, he said.

TANG’s President, Dr Sylvie Nantcha, was more explicit in stating, in her speech containing anecdotes about the sad fate of African migrants in Germany and other European countries, that the awareness raising in question will focus on three points. These are the risks and dangers of irregular migration, life in Europe and legal means of immigration. With this project, the president of the TANG wants only an African immigrant in Europe and once on the spot says that “did not know that it was like that”.

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After the speeches, the Facebook campaign “No more death” was launched. A screening of film footage on illegal immigration took place before the questions and answers.

Source: News.aouaga / By Séni Dabo


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