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NIGER – Abdourahamane Tchiani, Niger’s strongman in power



After 48 hours of discussions, he won against another general, this Saturday, July 29, 2023. A witness to the discussions told RFI, “The first day at the presidential guard camp, it was a bit tense. For some, Abdourahamane Tchiani was not the right choice. In the army, people found him too close to former president Mahamadou Issoufou. He probably worked in the night from Thursday to Friday.”

It is true that it was the former president of Niger Mahamadou Issoufou (2011-2021) who brought to light the one who was still a colonel by appointing him initially «aide de camp». He will be quickly bombed chief of the presidential and general guard. At the head of a few hundred well-trained men, he watched day and night over the head of state who had given him the means of his policy. Then General Tchiani will be confirmed in the same position when President Mohamed Bazoum comes to power in 2021, watching over his two bosses as well as the apple of his eye, for example by watching two attempted coups. In return, the two will have pampered him.

One of his classmates describes him: «We were recruited together in the army in 1984 in Niamey, more precisely in the “commune 1″. I remember our first rookie outfit, blue with sandal on the first day. The recruiting by commune was eight people. After our recruitment, the next day, we went to the training center in Tombia, located about ten kilometers from Niamey. And there, an instructor raised his voice on us. Tchiani immediately replied, he is a man of character.”

He certainly knows how to maneuver. While on the first day of the coup, he knew he was not in a good position to lead the movement, he proposed that the various corps send delegates to television to announce the takeover of power by the army. His deputy was there. The next day, as negotiations were getting bogged down, one of his deputies threatened to no longer guarantee the safety of President Mohamed Bazoum as a sign of threats.

«General Tchiani is a true military leader», confides another Nigerien officer who has known him for 23 years. On the day of the coup, before taking action by sequestering President Mohamed Bazoum, he would have felt a grain of sand in his plan. But determined, he would have rushed into the office of the one who was still his leader to ask him to put himself at his disposal.

On Friday, July 28, he appeared on national television as the new strong man, reading a statement as president of the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Fatherland (CNPS). General Tchiani justified Wednesday’s coup by «the deterioration of the security situation». According to him, under President Mohamed Bazoum, there was «the political discourse» which wanted to make believe that «everything is fine». However, there was «the harsh reality with its share of deaths, displaced, humiliation and frustration». In the aftermath, as if to show that he was taking matters into his own hands, he summoned the secretaries general of the departments responsible for managing the day-to-day business.

Military training and career path
Brigadier General Abdourahamane Tchiani is a former student of the National School of Active Officers of Thiès, Senegal. He was rather an average student. The man also completed several internships and training abroad. But he also did field work in his country. For example, in the region of Diffa (Nguiguimi and Ngoourti), then Dirkou. Among the positions held are that of company commander at the Chadian border (1996-1997). He also served in the high command of the National Gendarmerie. In 2010, he was commander of zone 3 in Zinder.

To thank him for his loyalty, President Bazoum dressed in white a few months ago publicly stated: “Brigadier General Tchiani Abdourahamane, Chief of the Presidential Guard of Niger, you have climbed all the command levels of the Nigerien armed forces, from elementary units to defence zones. You have assumed all of his responsibilities fully and with a spirit of dedication, self-sacrifice, availability and loyalty…” Standing at attention, General Tchiani listened to his leader, received his decoration and disappeared.

“General Tchiani’s other strong point is that he knows how to be cold. You never know what he thinks,” reports an African diplomat stationed in Niamey. A personality from the sub-region who received medical care a few months ago in Turkey, at the same time as the new strongman from Niger, confirms: “I followed medical care at the same time as he did in Turkey a few months ago. He knows how to hide things. It can be funny, but it’s hard to know what he’s thinking.”

Abdourahamane Tchiani has more than friends. One of them throws the first pike at him after his installation in the chair of the CNSP: «When he criticizes the fight against terrorism led by President Mohamed Bazoum, I do not agree. It was at the heart of the device. I will even tell you that sometimes, when a helicopter had to be flown to attack the jihadists, he refused, arguing that the aircraft could actually be used to carry out a coup.” «Galéjades!» replied a captain of the Nigerien army very close to him.

Other interviewees believe that it is less popular in the military than other senior officers. And others pout when we recite the facts of arms of the one who was in 2010 the commander of the military zone n°3 of Zinder.


After the coup, former president Mahamadou Issoufou, former mentor of Niger’s new strongman, did not speak out. This silence has been variously interpreted. Does General Tchiani work for him in a submarine? A relative of Issoufou categorically denies.

It is at work that we know the craftsman. We must therefore see General Tchiani govern, murmurs a supporter of Mohamed Bazoum, who announces «surprises».

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NIGER – France begins the process of withdrawal of its committed forces



Out of the impasse in Niger, without recognizing the de facto authorities and in a climate of growing hostility, this is what Paris is trying to do. After five weeks of tensions with the perpetrators of the coup d’état on July 26, France finally began discussions on the redeployment of part of its forces engaged in this Sahel country, on Wednesday, September 06, 2023.

After initially refusing to comply with the injunctions of the Nigerien military, who made the departure of the French soldiers their political fuel, the Ministry of Armies and several concordant sources admitted, Tuesday, September 5, the World opened a discussion on the modalities of the «withdrawal of certain military elements».

At the beginning of August, the junta gave France a month to withdraw from Nigerien territory, after having denounced the military cooperation agreements that until now linked Paris and Niamey. On Saturday, September 2, on the eve of the expiration of the ultimatum set by the putschists, thousands of pro-junta Nigeriens demonstrated again against the presence of the French military, a few steps from the base they occupy in Niamey with other foreign detachments.

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NIGER – Demonstrators want the departure of French soldiers



Thousands of protesters gathered on Friday near a military base housing French forces in the Nigerien capital Niamey to demand the departure of French soldiers, AFP journalists said.

This “sit-in” organized at the call of the M62 Movement, a coalition of civil society organizations hostile to the French military presence in Niger, was preceded by numerous rallies with similar demands since the coup of July 26, and must last until Sunday.

“France must leave and it will leave, because it is not at home in Niger,” said Falma Taya, a leader of the M62 Movement, haranguing the crowd.

In the shade of the walls of the houses bordering the base, the demonstrators were sitting on carpets and mats under a strong heat.

“We are here for as long as it takes, until the last French soldier empties the place,” said Ibrahim Abdou, a member of a “Military Support Committee”, wearing a t-shirt bearing the image of General Abdourahamane Tiani, the country’s new strongman.

On 3 August, the soldiers who seized power in a coup d’état denounced several military agreements with France, which has 1,500 soldiers deployed in the anti-jihadist struggle in Niger.

The agreements all contained different notices for their effective end, one of which, relating to a 2012 text, was one month, according to the military.

Several calls for “sit-ins” were launched by civil society organizations from Friday afternoon to request the departure of French forces.

Niger’s military regime is engaged in a diplomatic standoff with France, a former colonial power.

The diplomatic immunity and visa of the French ambassador to Niger were withdrawn and the authorities notified Tuesday in Paris of their intention to expel him.

Last Friday, they had initially left 48H to Sylvain Itté to leave the territory, an ultimatum rejected by Paris that argues that this government is illegitimate and has no authority to base such a request.

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NIGER – Political tension: President Emmanuel Macron shoots putschists



Faced with the will of the putschists in Niger who want to expel the French ambassador to Niger, President Emmanuel Macron does not intend to yield to pressure.

At the annual conference of ambassadors held at the Elysée Palace on Monday, August 28, 2023, the French President defended the retention of the ambassador in Niamey. Emmanuel Macron is uncompromising:

“The problem of Nigeriens today is that they are being threatened by putschists because they are abandoning the fight against terrorism, they are abandoning a policy that is economically sound. They are losing all the international funding that allowed them to get out of poverty. That is the reality. We do not recognize the putschists and we support President Bazoum. We support the diplomatic and even military action of ECOWAS in a partnership approach” served the Head of State of France.

The tenant of the Elysee Palace believes that a coup against a democratically elected president, from a minority ethnic group and who has carried out courageous reforms is simply unacceptable. “Our policy is the right one! It is based on the courage of President Bazoum, the commitment of our diplomats who remain despite the pressure and thanks to the commitment of our internal security forces and our military. We are clear, we will not yield to a narrative used for the putschists that consists in saying that our enemy is France,” Macron added.

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