Home EUROPE SWISS: Oxfam report: 82% of global wealth for 1% of the population.

SWISS: Oxfam report: 82% of global wealth for 1% of the population.

Ph : ladepeche.fr

The NGO Oxfam traditionally publishes a report on inequalities just before the economic elite meets in Davos (Switzerland), as at this time. According to its latest annual report, in 2017, half of the world’s population would not have benefited from annual global growth.

3.7 billion people, equivalent to 50% of the world’s population, have not received the slightest benefit from global economic growth in 2017. Meanwhile, the wealthiest 1% have collected 82% of the wealth produced.

Those most affected by these inequalities are, unsurprisingly, women, with a pay gap of 23% on average. This gap will require, according to the World Economic Forum, 217 years to fill if the current trend continues. An example ? A CEO of one of the five largest garment companies earns in four days what a Bangladeshi worker earns during his entire life.


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