Home POLITICS CORONAVIRUS IN TANZANIA: President Magufuli denounces the trafficked statistics.

CORONAVIRUS IN TANZANIA: President Magufuli denounces the trafficked statistics.

Le président tanzanien John Pombe Magufuli - ©Page facebook du président

In a speech, the head of state questioned the reliability of government data on the Covid-19 epidemic and ordered an investigation into the national medical laboratory. In his view, “the situation is not as bad as the alarmists claim.” The opposition accuses him of being in denial. By RFI.

Tanzania remains one of the few countries on the continent that has not taken binding action against Covid-19. Officially, 480 cases were detected, including 16 fatal cases. Figures totally denied by the President. Indeed, after having minimized the danger posed by the epidemic in recent weeks, John Magufuli has reached a milestone this Sunday by directly questioning the official data of his country.

According to him, government agents secretly sent samples of a goat, quail and papaya, while making them appear as human samples. All of them would have been tested positive for Covid-19. It is possible that there are technical errors or that the imported reagents have problems, the Tanzanian president said.Before adding: It is also likely that technicians will be paid to mislead.”

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The opposition is on its feet

The president announced the opening of an investigation into the national medical laboratory. According to him, these findings mean that “some people who have been tested positive do not even have this disease” and that “the situation is not as bad as the alarmists claim.”

Chadema, the largest opposition party, accuses the president of being in denial. After the suspicious death of three Mps, he called on his elected representatives to no longer sit in Parliament on Friday. For this political party, stricter measures are needed, but President Magufuli does not want to hear about it. Not only do businesses and transport continue to operate normally, but the president said he is considering restarting the championship this Sunday.

Source : RFI



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