ALGERIA: Celebration of the second anniversary of Hirak

The Algerian city of Kherrata is preparing to celebrate the second anniversary of the Hirak, the first big march against the 5th mandate of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. It was Saturday, February 16, 2019, an emblematic date because a week later, the demonstrations were widespread in the country until pushing the former head of State to give up this ambition to run for a 5th mandate at the head of Algeria.
Many Algerian citizens stepped foot in the city of Kherrata on Monday, February 15, 2021 to prepare for the celebration of the anniversary of the popular protest movement against the too-long mandate of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. The demonstrators marched peacefully, brandishing the national flag and the Berber emblem, and chanting the usual Hirak slogans while calling for change. This Tuesday, February 16, 2021 is therefore a memorable day for the Algerian people and the historic city of Kherrata, known with Sétif and Guelma, for having been the scene of the massacres of May 8, 1945. Bloody repressions that followed nationalist, independence and anti-colonialist demonstrations during French colonization.
The Algerians organized a big march to commemorate this noble fight for the respect of the Constitution and democracy. They also condemn the harsh prison sentences imposed on the demonstrators arrested during this historic event. On Monday, 15 February 2021, the Algerian justice system sentenced several Hirak activists to prison terms, the heaviest of which was imposed on the young activist Chems Eddine Laalami, dit Brahim. The latter was sentenced to two years in prison, with a fine of 200,000 dinars (1,250 euros), by the court of Bordj Bou Arreridj, near Algiers. A 29-year-old tailor, Brahim Laalami is an emblematic figure who initiated the vast protest movement. He went out, a few days before the Hirak, to Bordj Bou Arreridj with a big sign denouncing the candidacy for a fifth term of Abdelaziz Bouteflika.
Moreover, since the fall of the head of state Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the inhabitants of Kherrata have hardly stopped demonstrating every Saturday, to demand change.
ALGERIA – Former President Bouteflika’s younger brother sentenced to two years in prison

The Algerian judiciary imposed a two-year prison sentence against the brother of former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika , who died on 17 September for «obstructing the smooth running of justice».
Said, younger brother of the deceased former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, was sentenced to two years in prison on Tuesday night for obstructing the smooth running of justice, the official APS agency said.
Before the Criminal Court of Dar El Beida, east of Algiers, the prosecutor’s office had requested seven years firm.
He was prosecuted along with other former officials for “incitement to falsification of official documents”, “abuse of office”, “obstruction of justice”, “incitement to judicial bias”, and “contempt of court”.
Cited in other cases under investigation, he should remain in prison even after having already served the two-year sentence imposed on him on Tuesday.
Several relatives of the late President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, who was forced to resign at the beginning of April 2019, under pressure from the Hirak and army demonstrations, have been sentenced or detained by the courts for acts of corruption.
Source : Koaci
ALGERIA – Partial reshuffle of government and dissolution of Parliament

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune proceeded, Sunday, February 21, 2021, to a partial reshuffle of his government. He also dissolved the lower house of Parliament, announcing the organization of early elections.
As he had announced, the Algerian President took action by partially reshaping his government. The highly criticized Prime Minister, Abdelaziz Djerad, keeps his post as well as several other ministers.
Indeed, the new appointments concern Mohamed Bacha who becomes the new Minister of Industry; Mohamed Arkab will be in charge of Energy and Mines; Kamel Nasri is appointed to the Ministry of Transport and Public Works; Mustapha Kamel Mihoubi will be in charge of the Department of Water Resources; Mohamed Ali Boughazi in Tourism;Tarek Belaribi will head Housing and Town Planning; Dalila Boudjemaa will be in Environment and Hocine Charhabil becomes Minister of Statistics and Digitization.
However, the Minister of Justice, Belkacem Zeghmati, symbol of the judicial repression against the opposition and Hirak activists, keeps his portfolio, as well as the Minister of Communication and government spokesman, Ammar Belhimer.
The head of state also dissolved the National People’s Assembly (NPC) on Sunday, paving the way for early parliamentary elections within a maximum of six months. Even if no date has yet been chosen for the organization of the vote, the political class is counting on the month of June.
President Abdelmadjid Tebboune announced on Thursday, February 18, 2021, during an address to the Nation, that he would carry out a reshuffle of his government as well as the dissolution of the parliament to organize early elections. He made this statement on the eve of the second anniversary, on February 22, of the popular protest movement, the “Hirak”.He had also, in a gesture of appeasement, pardoned dozens of detainees belonging to the movement.
ALGERIA: President Abdelmadjid Tebboune dissolves Parliament and thanks Hirak activists

The Algerian President, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, announced Thursday, February 18, in a speech to the Nation, the dissolution of Parliament. The head of state will proceed with a cabinet reshuffle within 48 hours. He called for early elections before informing that he is granting the pardon to Hirak detainees, a gesture of appeasement in the direction of this popular protest movement that celebrates its two-year anniversary on February 22.
The Head of State, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, delivered, Thursday, February 18, 2021, a message to the Nation coinciding with the national day of homage to the “martyrs” of the War of Independence (1954-1962). The Algerian President announced that he had dissolved Parliament and promised a cabinet reshuffle within 48 hours. This overhaul will involve sectors that are running deficits in their management, which are felt by citizens and us,’ he said.
He subsequently called for early elections, saying he wished to open his doors to youth.“Young people must have political weight,” he said, announcing the upcoming establishment of a Supreme Youth Council and the National Observatory of Civil Society. Consequently, the parliamentary elections, which were planned for 2022, will finally take place by June, at the latest in September. The vote will take place on the basis of a new electoral law that will be promulgated by order since Parliament has been dissolved.
The Algerian head of state also announced that he had granted the pardon to several detainees of the Hirak movement. “The “blessed Hirak” saved Algeria. I decided to grant the presidential pardon to some thirty people for whom a court decision had been rendered, as well as to others for whom no verdict had been rendered. Between 55 and 60 people will join their families from tonight (Thursday) or tomorrow (Friday),” he said.However, the Presidency said in a tweet that the pardon only concerned “perpetrators of crimes related to information and communication technologies”, without disclosing names.
Note that this announcement comes on the eve of the second anniversary of the unprecedented popular uprising of February 22, 2019. The “Hirak” protest movement forced President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to give up a fifth presidential term and leave power.Calls to demonstrate, throughout Algeria, for Monday, February 22, circulate on social networks.
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