Home BUSINESS AFRICA: China, first economic partner.

AFRICA: China, first economic partner.


As a prelude to a Forum called “Investing in Africa” ​​held from 10 to 12 September 2019 in Brazzaville the capital of Congo. China has opted for a multilateral approach with Africa’s economic market.

Indeed, the Forum has enabled African leaders to forge new partnerships with China in several sectors such as Energy, Mines, SMEs, cement and the recovery of certain debts at the level of international financial institutions.

Thus, China has made a big leap to further sit on the bulk of the African market. It is committed to working with the World Bank and other international financial institutions to develop tripartite cooperation with Africa, promote South-South partnership and stimulate diversified and sustainable development in Africa.

However, it is appropriate to question the feasibility of these agreements with an unstable African economic market undermined by imports, especially foreign powers.


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