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SENEGAL – Pastef leader Ousmane Sonko alerts with a message to the international community



MESSAGE TO THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY : Dakar, February 27, 2023 / On February 16, 2023, Senegal and the entire world discovered, stunned, the surreal scene that took place on the western coast of the Senegalese capital. The social media, televisions and newspapers around the world relayed the assault of I had just, once again, been victim at the instigation of President Macky SALL. Senegalese police (the members of the elite unit of the national police (B.I.P), assisted by the G.I.G.N, the elite unit of the national gendarmerie,) smashed my car window with an incredible violence to remove me forcibly from the vehicle and subsequently force me into one of their vans. This felony could have caused physical damage worse than the scratches on my feet caused by the shards of glass. This felony could have caused physical damage worse than the scratches on my feet caused by the shards of glass.

A few minutes earlier, the same security forces denied me a clear route and forced my convoy to drive through a booby-trapped tunnel where regime militiamen armed with grenade launchers and firearms were standing. These militiamen did not hesitate to flood the tunnel with tear gas grenades as soon as my car, under police duress, entered it. This is undoubtedly an attempt to undermine my physical integrity that will not go unchallenged. Indeed, this premeditated attack adds to a very long list of violence and deliberate violations of my rights since I entered politics in January 2014.

Beyond my person, the members and supporters of our party, PASTEF/LES PATRIOTES, are victims of the repressive and violent regime established by President Macky SALL for the sole purpose of clinging to power. In addition to this targeted and systematic persecution, there is a campaign of defamation, denigration and demonization with discriminatory and regionalist stenches. We are constantly subjected to acts of intimidation and moral harassment by the police and the gendarmerie, not to mention threats and physical attacks against our convoys.
I am the only politician whose most elementary rights pertaining to the respect of private and family life and freedom of movement, are systematically violated. I am the only person whose home is completely blocked by the police before, during and after every summons by the justice. I have been under judicial review for more than 2 years and prevented from leaving the national territory. I am a citizen who, for more than 2 years, has never received a favorable decision on my requests for authorization to leave the Senegalese territory despite my status as a Member of Parliament, before, and as a mayor today.

To the observers of the Senegalese political life to whom I address this message, I say that for 11 years, Mr. Macky SALL has exercised the presidential function in a violent way because he has neither the talent, nor the genius, nor the scale of a function which requires a high level of tolerance and acceptance of the dissident opinion. Despite the status of the political opposition which, under the Constitution, is a fundamental pillar and an indispensable component of our democracy, Macky SALL has pledged, since April 17, 2017, in an unprecedented public statement, to “reduce the Opposition to its simplest expression”! As the first guarantor of political freedom according to this same Constitution, Macky SALL has become the greatest threat to democracy, political freedom and civil peace in Senegal.

Yet once a land of democratic breathing, nurtured by freedom of expression and political consensus, Senegal has been transformed into a true autocracy. State institutions and their means are used to persecute all discordant voices: the opposition parties, civil society, citizen movements, whistleblowers and the free press are systematically persecuted. To date, the country has more than one hundred political prisoners awaiting trial. They are all members of Pastef. For a long time, this repression was carried out without any condemnation, even in principle. The Senegalese people feel that they are being subjected to this historical violence under the passivity of many foreign partners.


That is why we welcome recent reports about human rights in Senegal, including.
– The U.S. Department of State’s 2021 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Senegal
– The Mandates Special Procedures Letter of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association; the Rapporteur of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and the Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions.
– The report of the EU Election Monitoring Mission to Senegal from March 12 to April 9, 2022.
The reports above have noted and denounced the very serious violations of rights and freedoms, of human integrity and of the electoral process by the regime of Macky SALL. We encourage this posture which is the one objectively expected from the international community, consecrating the primacy of universal values and principles over individual or group interests.
We know that the regime of President Macky SALL maintains an active propaganda with diplomatic representations and international organizations against his opposition.
This campaign is even planned and maintained by international media and lobbying firms paid with taxpayers’ money.
The main objective of this propaganda is not only to isolate our political party and its leader through demonization and stigmatization, but also to scare people by surfing on the sub-regional and international context. To this end, they deploy mainly two arguments:
– Wrongly assimilate the PASTEF party to a terrorist party.
– Wrongly assimilate the PASTEF party to an anti-Western party.
We are well aware that all autocratic regimes wrap themselves in the cloak of the fight against terrorism or exploit the tense international context, especially between the West and Russia (on the military level) and China (on the economic level), to blackmail their partners or present themselves as the only solution in their country.
They take advantage of the context to demand from certain States their support, arms and training of repressive forces to repress, if necessary, in blood, any popular aspiration to democracy, freedom, independent justice, respect for the Constitution and the number of terms of office (two terms in Senegal), transparency in the management of public affairs, good management of natural resources, accountability.
A part of these partners, some in good faith and others for various considerations, succumb to this deception which, however, does not resist any factual or discursive analysis of the evolution of our party.
We are a modern political party integrating international practices and standards of good associative governance, rejecting occult practices.
– a modern and agile leadership;
– internal democracy
– transparent practices (two-way communication with the base)
– a clear and responsible discourse;
– a clear vision of economic sovereignty and openness to the world;
– an innovative program designed by the party’s executives;
– an innovative and participatory financing in all transparency;
– an inclusive approach that takes into account all social strata of the society;
– a dynamic and evolutionary integration;
– a fair cooperation through a win-win partnership.

This is how PASTEF/LES PATRIOTES seduces millions of Senegalese, all categories included. The political rise of our party, in a country like Senegal where the People have a strong political and democratic culture, is not down to chance, but the result of a rigorous and unabashed commitment to the issues of the day. This is the why:
– Accusing PASTEF of being a terrorist and undemocratic party is an allegation of a sociologically and politically minimized regime that now relies solely on disinformation, manipulation, instrumentalization of justice and state violence to repress populations that no longer want it to rule their country.
– Accusing PASTEF of being a violent party is to attack the intelligence of millions of Senegalese from all socio-professional categories, from all religions and ethnicities; it is also to disrespect millions of men and women here and in the Diaspora who have freely and knowingly chosen this political project as the path to structural change in a country that has been held hostage by bad governance for years.
– Accusing PASTEF of being an anarchist party is also to insult and disrespect the many national, foreign and international partners who exchange, work and share with our formation around the plural issues of the moment and of Africa.
To the observers of the Senegalese political life, I would like to say that:
– PASTEF is a party of its time, open to the world, but deeply attached to the fundamental cultural values which constitute the cement of the Senegalese national unity.
– PASTEF is a party whose presidential candidate is committed to political, economic and diplomatic cooperation with all of Senegal’s partners in a way that benefits all parties and respects the fundamental principles of the law of international relations, particularly that of the sovereign equality of States.
– PASTEF is a party whose only concern is the development of Senegal and the safeguarding of our dignity through endogenous measures focused on a sustainable, equitable, sincere, mutually beneficial cooperation.
With less than from a crucial presidential election, Senegal is at a crossroads, so much so that the uncertainty and the climate of tension make us fear the worst.
The responsible for this situation is none other than President Macky SALL, who obviously wants to plunge the country into chaos:
– He exercises police and judicial violence against his opponents in a way that has never been seen before in Senegal.
– He maintains a system of corruption, impunity against acts of bad governance, embezzlement of public funds and abuses committed by his closest collaborators.
– It maintains a vicious and dangerous discourse for national stability based on religion and ethnicity.
– He maintains private rioters and militias that operate alongside the defense and security forces with impunity.
Senegal’s partners must refrain from supporting the destructive project of President Macky Sall, whose main motivation is the fear of the aftermath of his calamitous, clan-based, and violent management, which is marked by corruption, embezzlement and unpunished crimes.
The Senegalese people, who have given much to humanity and still have much to give, have already turned the page on Macky SALL.

Ousmane SONKO
President of the PASTEF-Les Patriotes political party
Candidate to the 2024 presidential election in Senegal

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SENEGAL – Nanterre and Pikine formalize their partnership



On Friday, 14 February, at the Maison de la Musique in Nanterre, the cities of Nanterre (France) and Pikine (Senegal) formalised their twinning. They intend to join forces to strengthen their collaboration in key areas such as education, culture, sport and ecological transition.

Two municipalities, one creed
Signed by Mayors Raphaël Adam (Nanterre) and Abdoulaye Thimbo (Pikine), this agreement enshrines a long-standing relationship between the two cities, initiated in 2011 and strengthened by their joint commitment within the Forum of Local Authorities of the Periphery (FALP). These two suburban metropolises share similar challenges: rapid urbanization, social inclusion, access to public services and tackling inequality. “This partnership is based on shared values of participatory democracy, social justice and citizen empowerment,” said the two mayors. Two former mayors of the city of Pikine were present at this ceremony including Alioune Badara Diouck.

New Alliance: New North-South Relationship
This twinning has a particularity: it is not based on a classical scheme where the richest commune plays the role of benefactor by providing solutions to all the problems of the other. With this signature, it is a win-win partnership between two municipalities to ensure long-term financing and to involve the people in public works. By establishing a formal framework for cooperation, Pikine and Nanterre will foster the sharing of experiences and promote a dynamic of sustainable and inclusive development.

Raphaël Adam (Nanterre) and Abdoulaye Thimbo (Pikine)

Twinning, a network of concrete exchanges
This partnership, as the two elected officials have announced, will not be limited to a declaration of intent. Concrete actions are planned in several strategic sectors, notably in the field of culture and arts. This will lead to joint artistic exchanges and festivals. In the area of sport and youth, both municipalities are planning to run inter-city tournaments and youth exchange programs. Regarding access to rights and solidarity, increased support for women victims of violence and a strengthening of social policies are planned. Finally, in terms of ecological transition, the two cities intend to develop joint projects around waste management, renewable energy and combating climate change.

A symbol of friendship between peoples
Beyond the local issues, this alliance is part of a broader perspective: that of decentralized international cooperation. These two municipalities learn a lot from each other. This twinning reflects the need to forge links between cities around the world, enhancing their complementarities and building bridges between cultures and territories. “This union will contribute to the development of friendship and understanding between peoples, while contributing to the consolidation of peace,” said the mayors at the ceremony. The evening concluded with a concert by Senegalese artist Faada Freddy. With this partnership, Nanterre and Pikine affirm their will to work together for a future based on solidarity, innovation and respect for democratic values. A promising alliance that, beyond borders, demonstrates that the challenges of tomorrow are better met by more people.

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CÔTE D’IVOIRE – Opening of the Ivorian Parliament: the President of the Senegalese National Assembly speaks



This was in Abidjan on 20 January 2025. Several high-ranking political figures, including the President of the Senegalese National Assembly, El Hadji Malick Ndiaye, were present at this parliamentary session. The President of the Senegalese National Assembly, who was invited to this parliamentary session, spoke in a fraternal but solemn atmosphere.
Akwaba to the Ivorian
President Ndiaye was accompanied by a delegation from Senegal. And, with strong handshakes and hugs that his Ivorian counterpart, Adama Bictogo, wished the traditional Akwaba, welcome to him and the other members of his delegation. When Malick Ndiaye spoke, he used a language punctuated with metaphors and images to salute the spirit of hospitality of the Ivorians.

Call for African Unity Advocacy for a united Africa
In a brilliant speech, El Hadji Malick Ndiaye highlighted the importance of inter-parliamentary cooperation between Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire. Indeed, he urged both countries to join their efforts to address the political and economic challenges of Africa. “When the Senegalese Teranga meets the Ivorian Akwaba, it is a celebration of our common values of solidarity and peace,” he said. The laughter and applause were in the air when he compared thiéboudiène to the famous Ivorian attiéké. This very pictorial phrase has caused a general hilarity. Moreover, President Ndiaye did not fail to recall the historical ties between the two countries since independence. He also highlighted the proximity of their emblematic leaders, Léopold Sédar Senghor and Félix Houphouët-Boigny. “Our two nations share a unity of destiny and must continue along this path, strengthening their bilateral agreements,” he said, referring to the recent partnerships between the two states.

Advocacy for regional stability
In a few months, Côte d’Ivoire will host the presidential election. Aware that the electoral deadlines are crucial moments, the president of the Senegalese National Assembly stressed the importance of promoting peaceful and inclusive elections. This message of peace is in line with the words of Adama Bictogo who, at the beginning of the session, went in the same direction. Adama Bictogo announced that 25 priority bills in key areas such as human rights, environment and taxation will be reviewed.

A strong ECOWAS
El Hadji Malick Ndiaye reiterated the need to strengthen cooperation between West African parliaments. Indeed, in order to build a strong ECOWAS that will be at the service of people, it is necessary for States to stand together. In his speech, he said: “We must transform our regional space into a true economic and human community capable of meeting security and climate challenges.” In addition, the participation of the President of the Senegalese National Assembly at this session demonstrates his unwavering support for reaffirming relations between Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire. It is this pan-African vision that the President of the Senegal parliament affirmed his commitment and that of Senegal to successful regional integration. This brotherhood, magnified in his speech, speaks of the need to build a united and prosperous Africa, where parliaments play a leading role. Undoubtedly, the Ivorian parliamentary session marks a turning point in the consolidation of relations between Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire.

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GUINEA-BISSAU – Umaro Sissoco Embalo at the Élysée, diplomacy in XXL mode



On 9 December 2024, the President of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, Umaro Sissoco Embalo, had a very eventful week in the French capital. A stop at the Invalides, a participation in the symbolic reopening of the Notre-Dame cathedral and, to top it all off, a working lunch with Emmanuel Macron at the Élysée. The highlight of his visit to Paris. No. Obviously, he had not come to contemplate (only) the newly renovated gargoyles of Notre-Dame.
Two countries, a common priority
After a remarkable arrival on Saturday, one could even say that among the heads of state in Paris this weekend, the Bissau-Guinean head of state, Umaro Sissoco Embalo, was the guest “star” – of course far behind Elon Musk (more than a head of state) and Donald Trump. He shook hands, hugged, poured a few words into each other’s ears, multiplied official and unofficial meetings. During his working lunch with Emmanuel Macron, he reminded France that Guinea-Bissau does exist, even if it is not francophone. But we’re not going to be talking about such a trivial detail, because this is the first meeting of its kind between the two leaders. This is a testament to the strong ties that unite these two countries as they go beyond language barriers. We do not need to speak the same language to find strategic priority points for the development of key sectors in each of our countries.

France-Guinea-Bissau, Keyword: cooperation
The lunch included discussions on energy transition, strengthening health and education systems, cultural development and regional security. Among the projects envisaged, the construction of a French high school in Guinea-Bissau represents a major step forward for the country’s youth. Umaro Sissoco Embalo believes that this bilateral cooperation is part of a strategy for stability and sustainable development. Increasingly, the Guinean president Bissau has been very present on the international stage since 2020. Chairman of the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), Embalo is a key interlocutor for western partners.

Embalo, not a fan of language
Umaro Sissoco Embalo has a quality, which could sometimes become a defect. This career military is a real African patchwork. As much as it allows him not to go unnoticed, it can be an obstacle in terms of diplomacy. Son of a corporal, descendant of Malian and Guinean lineages, Embalo embodies an Africa with plural identities. Frank, direct and without filter, his style is at odds with traditional diplomatic codes. Polyglot, he easily juggles between Portuguese, French, English and Spanish, which gives him a rare ease on the international scene. Embalo fully accepts this singularity that makes it almost impossible to do without him during the big meetings, despite the smallness of his country. Hence his presence in Paris for the reopening of Notre-Dame and his exchanges with Emmanuel Macron testify to this ambition.

Oil-filled speeches on bilateral cooperation
Although Guinea-Bissau is not a francophone country, it remains a key African partner for France. This working lunch in the Élysée marks an important step in strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries. For Embaló, it is not only a question of securing partnerships that are beneficial to his country, but also of consolidating his stature as an African leader committed to regional stability issues. That neither the size of a country nor the number of its inhabitants are an obstacle: it is enough to have charisma, substance, like Embalo.

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