Home POLITICS AFRICA: Nigeria closes border in Benin.

AFRICA: Nigeria closes border in Benin.


The Nigerian authorities have ordered since Friday, August 30, 2019 to the main institutions of public security of the country a border closure with Benin for compliance with economic agreements. The order was given by Colonel of Customs and Chief Customs Controller, Hamid Ali.

Economic activities in Sèmè-kraké, the border between Nigeria and Benin, are suspended. Colonel Hamid Ali said that this measure is put in place for a period of 28 days. This duration could be renewable if the countries concerned do not agree with Nigeria’s economic policies.

Faced with this state measure, Beninese traders have difficulties in importing and exporting their goods. They ask the two states to agree on economic agreements and open borders. The main income-generating activities, such as the sale of gasoline imported from Nigeria, the marketing of fruit, and transport, especially of large aircraft, are also suspended for a period not yet known.


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