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RD CONGO: “Ice Karité”, organic and artisanal ice cream with shea butter!



The young entrepreneur Benjamin Mampuya of Congolese origin started from the observation that shea butter is a product very used in African households to cook, while in France it has only a cosmetic use today. He therefore had the ambitious idea of making shea butter accessible to the general public as a food and common consumption product. He created organic artisanal ice cream based on karate butter with several tropical fruit flavors, 10 in total: Aloko, Baobab, Bissap, Peanut, Cocoa, Ginger, Kaki, Mango, Coconut, and Vanilla.

Shea butter – Bissap

The ice cream quickly proved to be the ideal support in which it could combine shea butter. He creates his artisanal ice cream with shea butter. These are the first shea butter ice cream products manufactured and marketed on the French and European markets. They are stamped “ICE KARITE”. Food use and its virtues are still unknown to the Western public. By putting on the market the “ICE KARITE” product range, it offers consumers of shea butter new products that they are still unaware of. With the “ICE KARITE” ice cream, he wants to make the general public discover that shea butter is a food product that is consumed like so many others!

The virtues of a flagship ingredient
Shea butter is used in cosmetics for its beneficial properties on the body, but also in pure form in African cuisine. Its richness in mono-unsaturated fatty acids ranks it among the best edible oils alongside olive oil; and we know it less! More recently, new food uses for shea butter have emerged. His approach on the use of shea butter in his ice cream is therefore part of this new line of manufacture of the products elaborated that stand out from the traditional use of shea butter namely: cooking oil. (hibiscus flower), coconut. These other ingredients also have known and beneficial virtues for our organism.

Sea Butter – Ginger

What will the collection do?
This collection will be used to market our range of organic ice in individual version and small pots of 473 mL and 165 mL, to meet the strong demand of our customers. Currently, ice cream is packaged in a 1L tray for the general public and 2.5L for restaurants. Customers want to be served with pots in small quantities and in an organic version.

Sea Butter – Mango

Our team
Benjamin MAMPUYA is a Congolese national (DRC). He came to Montpellier in 1987 to complete his graduate studies. After his studies, he made a brief passage in higher education as a professor at the Ecole Supérieure d’Agronomie Tropicale in Montpellier. At the same time, Benjamin Mampuya created Le Marché Tropical, which later became MNS Market, a company selling ethnic food and cosmetics. In 2018, he created the young company called ESONALIS. He works closely with my wife and two loyal partners: WONTAR Association and PROVIASUD Laboratory.

Call for donations
It calls today for a donation that will provide support for the self-financing of the association. Indeed, the project plans to create a participatory vignette to the activities of the association WONTAR. The consumer will see the amount of the ESONALIS contribution to the association on each container or jar of ice intended for sale. The pool link here.

The WONTAR Association
It has partnered with them to secure its supply of raw materials, mainly shea butter and bissap. Based in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), WONTAR is an association created and managed by women. It manufactures shea butter, exploits the bissap it exports to France on behalf of ESONALIS. With its purchases and the income it provides, women can take care of themselves, buy basic necessities, educate their children and self-finance their activities.

The PROVIASUD laboratory
Specialized in the formulation of extract based on STEVIA, Benjamin MAMPUYA works with them on the development of the first ice cream with shea butter at STEVIA, 100% vegetable and organic without added sugar. This new light ice cream can be a gourmet alternative to diabetics and people who are looking for natural products, healthy without too much or not at all sugar and often of vegetable origin.


Sea butter – Cacao

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Link Sunu Gaal: the Senegalese diaspora for a united social and solidarity economy in Germany



There is an increasing emergence of a social and solidarity economic movement on the part of the Senegalese diaspora. It is a more humanistic, human-faced form of mutual aid. Also, on 16 November 2024, Stuttgart hosted the first ever “Link Sunu Gaal Trade Show”. This initiative, under the leadership of the International Business Council Invest (IBC INVEST) association, had as its theme “The return of productive investment from the German diaspora in Senegal for a Senegal in progress”. And, it was a success. This event, which counted more than a hundred people, brought together local authorities, international experts, entrepreneurs and especially members of the Senegalese diaspora ready to invest in Senegal, to build a solid bridge between Germany and Senegal with investment as the cornerstone following the meeting of the Managing Director of Apix SA, Bakary Séga Bathily.

Link Sunu Gala: Under the sign of investment and solidarity
With guests from brands such as Remseck mayor Dirk Schoenberg, and also leaders of the IBC INVEST association, such as international president Ibrahima Badji and its general secretary, Salif Diedhiou, this event was a great success. Camille Bounama Sylla, special advisor to the president of Sierra Leone, and Ibrahima Badji, sustainability consultant, really enriched the discussions by providing their expertise punctuated with specific examples. It was concrete. Indeed, the speaker defined the priority missions of the IBC INVEST association, which aim to strengthen the Senegalese economy and links with the diaspora. The first of these tasks is to supervise future investors. This action aims to facilitate the integration of young people into the local Senegalese economy. This will help to fight illegal immigration. In parallel, the association is committed to creating bridges between project promoters and investors, whether public or private, in Germany or Senegal. Finally, it promotes community projects through viable economic initiatives, using innovative approaches such as crowdfunding and skills transfer. This will strengthen international solidarity and cooperation.

Highlights and keynote speeches
In the various speeches that punctuated the interventions of each, it became clear that the key to the success of this initiative lies in collaboration and inspiration for the Senegalese diaspora. Amadou Cheikhou Diame, president of IBC Germany, led the way by calling for stronger collaboration between members of the diaspora and the association, drawing on the success models of other communities, such as the Chinese. Then, Camille Bounama Sylla spoke about his journey: a real resilience that captivated the people present. From being an undocumented immigrant to becoming a recognized international consultant, and up to his current social status: how high the ladder – social ladder – he had to climb. At the end of his speech, he urged the diaspora to unite around bold entrepreneurial initiatives. Finally, Dirk Schonberger concluded by saluting the exemplary leadership of the Senegalese diaspora in his community while promising its unwavering support for the next editions of the show.

IBC Invest and APIX Alliance: a winning bet
During the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the president of the International Business Council Invest (IBC) and the Director General of the Senegal Investment and Major Works Promotion Agency (APIX) met, a decisive step. This strategic alliance, supported by a common objective of developing productive investment in the Senegalese diaspora, is reflected in a commitment to build on the findings of Link Sunu Gaal. This data will be used to ensure a rigorous follow-up of the identified projects and to fully exploit opportunities. This collaboration reflects a shared desire to maximize the economic benefits of diaspora initiatives for a lasting impact on the Senegalese economy.

Senegal, in the digital age
During the three conferences, one particularly attracted participants: the speech of Narcisse Nasser Badjim who spoke about the future of Senegal in the digital age. Having highlighted the role of technologies in optimizing investments and the importance of integrating the social and solidarity economy (SSE) in Senegalese territorial authorities, He gave the floor to Mambaye Thiam who spoke about the keys to success and the challenges to overcome in order to invest effectively in Senegal. IBC INVEST, for its part, has detailed its actions in the ESS, which highlight the strengthening of local authorities through partnerships with the diaspora. This, he says, requires training local actors in new entrepreneurial and digital trends. Above all, we need to find a way to facilitate the funding of community projects with high social impact.

Link Sunu Gaal, a model of social and solidarity economy
If there is one thing to be remembered from this forum, it is this crucial question: what is the role of the Senegalese diaspora in Germany in the development of the social and solidarity economy (SSE)? The responses were clear and engaging. Indeed, the initiatives presented were aimed at encouraging productive investment while combating illegal immigration through the promotion of sustainable community projects. The captivating conferences particularly highlighted the importance of integrating SSE in Senegalese territorial authorities. Through innovative solutions, this model promises to revitalize the local economy by pooling skills and resources, thus laying the foundations for inclusive and sustainable development.

Link Sunu Gaal Fair, a success
In addition to the discussions that were offered at this show where an exhibition space bringing together companies such as Allianz Assurance and BN2 Smart, it should be noted that this first Link Sunu Gaal Show was a real success, in the sense that it has helped to consolidate links which are being broken by distance. Several participants praised an organization that combines economic vision and solidarity commitment. All participants unanimously expressed the hope that the next meeting, scheduled to take place in Italy, in Offida on 14 December 2024, will attract more partners willing to invest in Senegal. With a committed diaspora and quality international allies, Senegal is undoubtedly on the path to emergence.

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SENEGAL – Link Sunugal International: an asset for the autonomy and future of Senegal



A wind of hope is blowing on the Senegalese diaspora. It is neither mistral nor tramontane. Supported by the International Business Council – Invest (IBC), “Link Sunugal International”, in a spirit of solidarity and belonging, is preparing to travel across Europe to strengthen links between the Senegalese diaspora and local opportunities. This event, sponsored by Camille Bounama Sylla, ambassador and honorary president of the association, will take place from November 2024 to March 2025. A quintet of European cities is part of a dynamic of support for Senegalese entrepreneurship and promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE).

IBC, the keystone
Founded in 2019 by enthusiasts, the IBC, driven by a common ideal, has established itself as a pioneering structure in support of diaspora economic projects. Operating as a non-profit organization, this organization, with thousands of volunteer members around the world, shares a common interest: to see Senegal shine through its own sons and daughters. The association, by facilitating the creation of networks and the establishment of partnerships, supports members through mentoring, access to industry experts and training for better business management.

Link Sunugal International: an alternative financing call
More than just a tour, Link Sunugal International is an appeal for funding and financial autonomy. From Stuttgart to Paris, via Offida, Madrid and Lisbon, this odyssey will bring together actors whose mission will be to channel the resources of the diaspora to boost a dynamic of progress in Senegal, with the objective of curbing illegal immigration. The digital universe of e-marketing and e-banking will be widely explored. It will be an opportunity for exhibitors to gain international visibility, which will not only promote their products but also develop networks across borders.

An XXL program: training, meetings and gala evening
The day will begin with a warm welcome, exchange of glances and smiles. Each guest will receive the honors due to him. In this symphony of exchanges and know-how, crucial topics such as project financing, the fight against illegal immigration and investment strategies will be discussed in depth. A second, equally important phase will consist of a sharing of experiences among Senegalese entrepreneurs, with the intervention of APIX Senegal, which will present opportunities for local and diaspora investors.

IBC, an effective participatory network
The IBC is not content with promises or fine words. She has achievements, including a farm in Diembering, which covers 16 hectares and combines agricultural training, poultry farming and product processing. Thanks to a 100,000 euro grant, this farm employs more than 500 young people and women who are trained to become development engines for an autonomous and prosperous Senegal. Through this tour, the IBC is boosting and mobilizing funds for concrete socio-economic projects. The Link Sunugal International tour is an invitation to build, hand in hand, an autonomous and solidary future for Senegal. The IBC invites everyone to write together a new chapter for Senegal.

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IVORY COAST – The country celebrates its local meals



On October 25, 2024, in Abidjan, under the high-level signs of Place Palmeraie, Place Marcory, Auchan Latrille and Hyper U Sococé, the aromas of freshly baked bread and soumbara flavours blend into the freshness of Grandes et Moyennes Surfaces (GMS). Between warm scents and perfumes, Dr BAH-KONE Ranie-Didice, Executive Secretary of the National Council for the Fight against Expensive Life (CNLVC), took his time. There is nothing more sacred than this reunion with these products drawn from our lands.

A baguette of bread, a whole story
For this fifth edition of the Festival des Farines Locales, there was a crowd, but also a rich selection of breads and pastries made from local flours: fonio, cassava, mil, soya, sorghum. Every passer-by had a bite, a smile on his face. Each piece of bread tells a story, from the field in remote villages to the expert hands of bakers and the purchase. Each aroma emanating from these crispy breads originates in the heart of the Ivorian terroirs.

October, Festival of Local Flours
This festival is part of the fifth edition of the Month of Local Consumption, initiated by the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU). Every year, October becomes a month dedicated to the promotion of food heritage, where consumption habits are tinged with a renewed awareness. In addition to their taste, these products demonstrate the importance of incorporating more local raw materials into the diets of Ivorians. By reducing dependence on often expensive imported products, this initiative could help to boost and strengthen the domestic economy.

Month of Local Consumption, an asset for the sub-region
This festival is not unique to Côte d’Ivoire: it is an initiative of WAEMU. Thus, all populations in the member states are invited to cultivate a local way of life, reducing their dependence on imported products and building a strong and resilient regional economy. Dr. Ranie-Didice Bah-Koné said the event is an invitation to reinvent our recipes, to reconnect with the very essence of the land that feeds us: “This festival is a tribute to the country’s recipes.”

For a resilient economy
This WAEMU initiative aims at food self-sufficiency in Africa, to reduce its dependence on external aid. This festival embodies the hopes of a sub-region ready to take back control of its destiny with its own resources, regain self-sufficiency and celebrate the wealth of a continent with almost unlimited resources. The Local Consumption Month and the Local Flour Festival have demonstrated that Côte d’Ivoire has the resources to achieve food self-sufficiency. Simply trust the talents and know-how of its craftsmen.


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