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MPRISONMENT OF POPE ALÉ NIANG – Paris’ call against the monster



Shame on those who sing while the monster tortures, imprisons and kills in Senegal.
Dear compatriots, the hour is grave, Senegal is going through the most dramatic moments in its political history because of the monstrosity of a president who thinks everything is possible with his people in order to satisfy his most hideous and unconstitutional political desires.

The time is no longer for «spontaneous indignation»: it is necessary to stand up against the atrocities of the monster which establishes a state terror, which binds anyone who manifests an ounce of contradiction in the political, media, and public space, and wishes to subject the Senegalese, deprived of all their most elementary rights (right to protest, freedom to inform, right to protest).

Today the popular indignation at the injustice inflicted on the investigative journalist, administrator of the online news site Dakarmatin, Pape Alé Niang leaves the monster completely indifferent. One victim among many. One victim too many.

Let us mobilize to curb the indiscriminate, disproportionate violence and the destructive madness of President Macky Sall, who resists the rules of the democratic game, and who never ceases to lay the foundations for the undermining of the cohesion of our nation with the complicity of a submissive Justice, under orders.

The objective of Paris’ appeal against the monster is to unite all citizens who love justice and freedom, outraged by the abject practices of the regime of Macky Sall, marked by the seal of evil governance, generalized arbitrariness, impunity, nepotism, mismanagement, grabbing and rampant plunder of public resources. This APPEAL aims to sound the general mobilization of all Senegalese (of the country and the diaspora), and constitutes a rampart, a sentinel of democracy, a framework of actions to relay, and amplify the struggle for the restoration of the rule of law in Senegal, with only one imperative: defeat the MONSTER.

Let us mobilize!
Khaly Marame Ngouille Ndiaye: Journalist
Seybani Sougou: Lawyer-member of civil society
Sheikh Tidiane Youm: Directoir du Pur
Ibrahima Diop: ENCO MP
Ibra Khady Ndiaye: Journalist
Sanou Dione: Deputy Yewwi
Ibrahima Thiam: President of the Movement Another Future (AA)
Ndeye Satala Diop: Deputy of the ENCO
Malick Youm: Secretary General Platform Taxawu Dakar
Aboubacr Bengelloun: Initiator not in the third mandate
Madi Seydi: Director of Communications Consulting
Mamadou Séck: Doctor
Thierno Niang: CEO of Label Tneventsprod
Alioune Ndiaye: Journalist
Yaye Amy Diop: Private Sector Administrative Framework
Rokia: Journalist
Queen Mother: President of Family-PAN
Aliou Sall ENCO MP

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MEDIA – Press release of the Senegalese Press Club in France on the case of investigative journalist Pape Alé Niang



Once again, our colleague Pape Alé Niang has been arrested and placed in pre-trial detention for a few days. Accused of leaking information prejudicial to national defence and spreading fake news, he had already been imprisoned a few months ago. This time, he is imprisoned under the charge of having launched a “call for insurrection”, shortly after the arrest of the opponent Ousmane Sonko, leader of the Pastef.

The Senegalese Press Club in France first expresses its support and compassion to Pope Alé Niang, detained since July 29, 2023, he began a hunger strike to denounce the injustice he is a victim.

We draw the attention of national and international opinion to the very precarious state of health of Pope Alé Niang. We strongly denounce his arrest as a flagrant violation of press freedom and freedom of expression.

We therefore call for the immediate and unconditional release of Pope Alé Niang, whose health cannot be compatible with detention and is deteriorating day by day.

We remind the Senegalese authorities of the importance of guaranteeing citizens’ right to information and respecting democratic principles.
The Senegalese press club in France does not rule out bringing to justice the Senegalese authorities who have endangered the life of a journalist.
The life of Pape Alé NIANG is in the hands of the regime of Macky SALL!

Done at Paris, 3 August 2023
The Senegalese Press Club in France

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BURKINA FASO – France 24 emissions suspended



Burkinabe authorities ordered the cessation of France 24’s broadcasts following an interview with the head of the North African branch of the Al-Qaeda group, Aqim. The French channel deplores the decision.

In a statement available on its website, the French media “challenges the unfounded accusations” put forward by the Burkinabe authorities to justify their decision, this Thursday, June 30, 2023.

At the reproach of the Burkinabe government for having granted an interview to the head of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (Aqmi), France 24 replies that it did not grant him an interview directly, “taking care to recount his remarks in the form of a chronicle allowing the necessary distancing and contextualization.”

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SENEGAL – Journalists declare a day without press



The Coordination of Press Associations (CAP) declared Friday, June 16, 2023 at a conference that June 23, 2023 will be a «Day without Press». The decision follows the numerous arrests of journalists in Senegal over the past several months.

Pape Alé Niang spent more than 2 months in prison before being granted provisional freedom. Pape NDIAYE of the Walfadjiri group has been in prison for more than 3 months as well as Serigne Saliou Gueye, Editor of the daily Yoor-Yoor. There is also Maty Sarr Niang, who collaborated with the site Kewoulo, in prison for several weeks.

It should be noted that Walfadjiri television has been suspended for one month since 1 June.

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