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UGANDA: Google rejects government request



The Ugandan government has asked Google, the American giant, to close 17 YouTube channels accused of being responsible, in November 2020, for certain demonstrations in the country that led to the detention of the opponent Bobi Wine, a presidential candidate.Google simply refused to respond favourably to this request because it considered the reasons too light. 

The Ugandan Communications Commission (UCC) requested the closure of some YouTube channels on 9 December 2020. Indeed, the UCC claims to have received complaints, one of which came from the Minister of the Interior. The Ugandan government’s commitment to these YouTube channels is motivated by the behaviour of some Internet users who would use social networks to disseminate false information. Publications that sow disorder in the country and that violate Uganda’s laws and regulations on communication. 

In its letter to Google, UCC states that the publications on these YouTube channels contain “extremist or anarchic messages, including messages that may incite violence against parts of the public, because of their tribes and political opinions […] and may compromise national security and cause economic sabotage.”

However, the American giant, Google, does not intend to blindly satisfy the request of the Ugandan authorities. It requires stronger reasons to end this freedom of expression on social networks.

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SENEGAL – RenewPac Summit: Macky Sall pays tribute to Abdoulaye Wade, «father of African liberalism»



President Macky Sall

At the opening of the RenewPac Summit, the Senegalese President, Macky Sall, paid tribute to his predecessor at the head of the country, Abdoulaye Wade, whom he described as the «father of African liberalism». Me Abdoulaye Wade (97), headed Senegal from 2000 to 2012 following the first alternation in Senegal. In 1974, he created the Senegalese Democratic Party (PDS) which brought him to power after 26 years of opposition.

Macky Sall, leader of the Alliance for the Republic (Apr), was himself, for ten years, a senior official of this party and a leading figure in the regime of Abdoulaye Wade whose Prime Minister he was after having held various ministerial positions. “He inspired us with the values of liberalism at a time when Marxist ideologies were on the rise in Africa. He dared to row against the current. Myself and many of the personalities who participate in this Summit are his heirs,” said the Senegalese President in tribute to his former mentor, under the warm applause of the room.

The message of (Gilbert Noël Ouédraogo, President of the African Liberal Network)
This summit demonstrates the need for a strong and lasting partnership between Europe and Africa based on mutual respect, shared values and well-understood common interests.”

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IVORY COAST – Discovery of a manganese deposit “of global importance”



The Australian exploration company Mako Gold Limited announces this Monday, August 21, 2023 the discovery of a deposit of manganese potentially “of global importance” in Ouangolodougou, in the north of Ivory Coast. According to the company, the grade of the intersected ore is similar to that of several mineral producer/developer groups listed on the ASX (Australian Stock Exchange) where it is also present.

This discovery comes as part of its Korhogo project, which it owns 100% and consists of the Ouangolodougou permit, where the drilling was carried out, and the Korhogo Nord permit. The briefing note also mentions the possibility of making more significant discoveries, “given that only 257 metres of the 500 metres drilled have been analysed to date”.

Given the satisfactory level of manganese found and ‘flush to the surface’, the Korhogo project is likely to become one of Côte d’Ivoire’s next manganese mines, said Peter Ledwidge, the company’s managing director.

With this discovery, Mako Gold plans to “enter the race for critical minerals for batteries”. Besides manganese, the company plans, a diamond research program once the manganese ore exploration work is completed.

Côte d’Ivoire currently has four manganese mines in operation, in Bondoukou (east), Guitry (southwest), Kaniasso and Lagnonkaha, in the north of the country. Production rose from just over 207,000 tonnes in 2016 to over 929,000 tonnes in 2022 (up 349%), after reaching 1.18 million tonnes in 2019.

Note that manganese is considered the fourth most used metal in the world after iron, aluminum and copper. It is used in the manufacture of steel for the construction sector (beams, body plates, oil pipes, etc.) and the automotive sector. It is also found in electric vehicle batteries but also in the manufacture of batteries, electronic circuits and even in the food industry.

Source: Sikafinance/ By Jean-Marc Gogbeu

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FRANCE – Me Branco décrit l’enfer de Rebeuss : « j’ai dormi aux côtés de personnes torturées et entassées par centaines »



Juan Branco a été interpellé sur son bref séjour carcéral à la prison de Rebeuss. L’avocat de Ousmane Sonko a décrit l’enfer dans lequel vivent les centaines de détenus avec qui il a passé la nuit de dimanche à lundi 07 aout 2023.« À Rebeuss, j’ai dormi au milieu de personnes torturées qui portaient les traces de blessures par balle. Elles étaient entassées par centaines incapables de se déplacer et obligées de faire leurs besoins sur place. Ils ont commis l’erreur de me faire voir ça », a-t-il déclaré en conférence de presse ce mardi.

« Ousmane Sonko souffre d’une insuffisance rénale, nous lui avons demandé d’arrêter sa grève de la faim ». L’avocat français de Ousmane Sonko, en conférence de presse ce mardi 08 aout 2023 à Paris a révélé de quelle pathologie souffrait son client admis aux urgences de l’hôpital Principal de Dakar depuis dimanche. « Ousmane Sonko souffre d’une insuffisance rénale due à une hypoglycémie causée par sa grève de la faim. Mais son état est stable. Nous lui avons demandé d’arrêter cette grève de la faim et nous espérons qu’il nous entendra. Parce que ce qu’il représente est trop important pour des milliers de personnes qui le suivent. Nous avons eu l’occasion de nous en rendre compte à la prison de Rebeuss », a indiqué Me Juan Branco qui est rentré ce mardi en France après avoir été arrêté et emprisonné pendant moins de 24 heures au Sénégal.

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