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SENEGAL-LEGISLATIVE: Awa Faly Ba, an exceptional candidate.



Awa Faly Ba is an active citizen who has been working in NGOs and cooperation for nearly 20 years. She has had the opportunity to travel across Senegal, the West African subregion and a small part of the world to promote participatory research, sustainable development, leadership and respect for children’s rights. Today in order to run for a mandate of deputy in the National Assembly for the legislative elections of July 30, 2017, it presents itself in its party Union Citizen “Bunt Bi”. Focus on an exceptionally committed woman.

How did you get into politics?

I arrived there quite naturally. Very young, I had an awakening citizen and an awareness of our duty to act to fight injustices. I would always remember my first film at the Amok Cinema on apartheid in South Africa. My academic choices have been shaped by this commitment. My work then gave me the opportunity to better understand the development issues and the crucial role of citizens through the different positions I have held in national and international NGOs and networks. In 2000, we were all euphoric for the first alternation of Senegal, then very quickly we disillusioned. Thus, in 2007, already, with a group of close friends with whom we share the civic commitment, the passion for Africa and an afro optimism deep, to create a party that could mobilize all the citizens of Senegal and change the leadership.

What is the philosophy of your Citizen Union party “Bunt-Bi” for a citizen assembly in the service of Senegal?

Union Citoyenne wants to put the citizen at the heart of the political action of public and political action. We want a new Senegalese leadership. Our colors are the blue of heating which symbolizes the workman and the work. Our country needs to be reworked thoroughly and thoroughly. The brown that refers to the earth refers to our respect for land and sustainable development.

What does your party bring to the Senegalese political landscape?

We want to catalyze the citizens’ awareness that began a long time ago in Senegal but struggle to find a space for structuring and expression. For the 2017 legislative elections, as we had already done at the local level in 2014, we opened our lists to all citizens and social and professional organizations wishing to push the doors of the National Assembly. So we have a very diverse list, from the taxi driver, the small fruit and vegetable trader to the industrialist, the teacher and the unemployed. We are also very proud to say that 50% of our investments are less than 50 years old and that more than 90% are active (not professional politicians) and all are useful in one way or another to their Community from which they derive their credibility. Vulnerable layers are included in our list and not for figuration. I am so admiring of the determination of Fama Ka, our blind candidate of Pikine, who knows the law, teaches French, Arabic and Wolof to children. Who better than it can bring the voice of people with disabilities. Our diaspora is also represented by “model roles”.

Can you elaborate on your program? “Acting to serve Senegal” is part of your slogan, how you are going to go about it and in what specific areas you want to take concrete action and how will you proceed?

We have priority projects that we want to bring to the National Assembly: According to a recent IFAN study, 3 young Senegalese out of 4 from 15 to 35 years want to leave Senegal. It is an extraordinary and intolerable failure of our policies in favor of youth: a deliquescent education (for which 40% of the national budget is invested in this sector.) In Senegal, there is no visionary and consistent policy of leisure And culture, and too few economic opportunities Our children belong to the world 3.0 when our policies are obsolete We want a holistic and visionary youth policy Access to health care is a right scorned on a daily basis: maltreatment, Medical wandering, lack of infrastructure and what to say about the diseases that are breaking the records of mortality Union Citizen Bunt Bi has as priority site to bring the state to a public health policy specific for cancer and all these diseases that emerge. Senegal is becoming an oil and gas country. Natural resource management is becoming more than ever an economic, political and environmental issue Transparency of financial management and the redistribution of income, the relevance of economic options and the sustainability of the mode of exploitation. You know that Senegal has signed all the conventions on climate, but then, on the national regulations everything remains to be done. Finally, Senegal has a despairing administration of slowness and contradictions, whereas it is excessively expensive to maintain. The last national blunder is the production and distribution of voter cards. For decades, there has been talk of its modernization without any really meaningful action, no guidelines, a regulatory framework for this pious wish. That’s to give you an idea.

Which deputy will you be when you are elected?

I would be more than ever at the service of Senegal. We want to open the door of the National Assembly, to bring it closer to the concerns of citizens and to distance it from the political calculations that make it an institution that is far from playing its role. Our commitment is to represent Senegalese dignitaries by maintaining a permanent citizen dialogue on all matters of national interest. We will also urge the Assembly to legislate on our priority projects. Finally, we will monitor government action at the outset of the presentation of the Finance Act, the appropriateness of options, the transparency of assignments and then their efficiency. Together we can dust off our institutions and put them in total transparency at the service of the Senegalese.

Awa Faly Ba talks about the importance of choosing her list on this video.

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SENEGAL – Harassment, food tampering, communication ban: the Diomaye Coalition President alert on the conditions of detention of his candidate



Bassirou Diomay Faye

The Diomaye Coalition President warns about the conditions of detention of candidate Bassirou Diomaye Faye. The members of the said coalition inform that his visiting days have been changed and he can only receive visits on Tuesdays and Wednesdays within the Court. He is also prohibited from telephone communications. The Diomaye Président coalition denounces this relentlessness against its candidate and holds the regime responsible for any attack on the physical or moral integrity of their candidate.

“Following the official launch of the Diomaye President Coalition and the massive adhesions of opposition leaders, it was expected that the government in power would reinstate the candidate Bassirou Diomaye Faye in his rights, particularly in the context of a presidential election of which he is undoubtedly the favourite,” reads a statement.

However, the Coalition announces that the Prison Administration, under the responsibility of the Minister of Justice, has decided to unilaterally and without justification tighten the conditions of detention of candidate Bassirou Diomaye FAYE by:

“A unilateral modification of his visiting days now, the candidate Bassirou Diomaye Faye can only receive visits on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and this within the Court itself. A ban on telephone communications under the pretext that the favorite candidate in the presidential election whose campaign begins in two days has conversations whose purpose is political. A continuous harassment of the room of the candidate Bassirou Diomaye Faye is now searched at every turn.”

Moreover, she notes a «lack of security measures despite her status as a candidate in the presidential election of February 25, 2024 and multiple alerts on probable alterations of the food served to her. Candidate Bassirou Diomaye Faye no longer has breakfast.”
The Diomaye President coalition denounces this relentlessness against its candidate. “We strongly denounce this umpteenth violation of the principle of equality between candidates in the presidential election of February 25, 2024. We call for the immediate release of Bassirou Diomaye Faye to actively participate in the election campaign.”

In any case, she stresses, «the State of Senegal has the responsibility to ensure its protection if it unjustly decides to maintain it in the bonds of detention».

In short, the Diomaye Coalition President indicates that «Macky Sall, Aissata Tall Sall and Amadou Ba will be held responsible for any attack on the physical or moral integrity of the candidate Bassirou Diomaye Faye».

Source : PressAfrik

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SENEGAL – 100.000 Housing: Ismaila Madior Fall á Bambilor for the inauguration



This Friday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Senegalese from outside, Ismaila Madior Fall, accompanied by Minister Annette Ndiaye Seck, will inaugurate the “City of the Diaspora” in Bambilor. This project aims to prevent the creation of new slums and encourage the mass production of accessible housing.

According to the Observer, the aim is to boost and diversify the supply of housing for low-income and/or irregular households, while facilitating access to adapted bank financing. With a clear vision of strengthening the construction ecosystem, this initiative demonstrates the commitment of the Senegalese government to its diaspora.

The 100,000 units planned in this project were developed in partnership with the Senegalese government and its collaborators, seeking to meet the specific housing needs and concerns of Senegalese living abroad.

Source: PressAfrik

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SENEGAL – Thione Niang “I have no program, I have a vision”



Thione Niang ©Ze-Africanews

Social entrepreneur Thione Niang is a candidate in the February 2024 election. In this exclusive interview, he reveals his vision, his projects in particular, “Give One project”, “JeufZone” which includes an agricultural component, training but also women’s empowerment. 

It was an opportunity for the social entrepreneur to look back on his beginnings, on the process of returning to his country of origin, Senegal. He addressed the political question: his involvement in the political ring while giving his opinion on the Senegalese political landscape. 

African politics is another aspect of this interview. The urgency of the industrialization of the continent, the urgency of helping African youth so that they have the same opportunities for development as other young people in the world, is close to his heart. 

On the question of the African school, Thione Niang proposes a redesign of it, starting with a paradigm shift and especially the content of the teachings. According to him, we must return to our fundamentals, namely our own models of identity representations, notably Cheikh Anta Diop or Nkrumah. 

Thione Niang, also told us about vision, his vision and not a program, to give each Senegalese what he deserves both in terms of education, health, but also on the development of infrastructure, which, according to him, necessarily passes first and foremost through food self-sufficiency, hence his return to the land for an assertive agricultural progress.

He ended up sending a strong message to all Senegalese.

The rest of the interview on this link:

Thione Niang ©Ze-Africanews
Thione Niang ©Ze-Africanews
Thione Niang ©Ze-Africanews
Thione Niang ©Ze-Africanews
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